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Rumors Kraft Video Will Be Leaked Could Help the Patriots Owner's Case


PALM BEACH, F.L. (WLNE) -- Rumors are swirling the video evidence of the Patriots owner inside a Florida day spa is being shopped around. This comes just days after a judge temporarily blocked the video from being released. So if it's true, what does this mean for Kraft's case?

This could actually end up helping Bob Kraft. If this really is the video police say they have then Kraft's team will want whoever leaked it to be held accountable, likely pushing to also have the video evidence completely excluded.

Another twist in Bob Kraft's case, reports the undercover video of the Patriots owner is being shopped around.

"I’m not necessarily surprised. It's a piece of evidence that's obviously germane to the prosecution and it's a piece of evidence the defense obviously didn't want out in the public,” says Fall River defense attorney Frank Camera.

Lawyers for 2 of the women charged in connection to the prostitution bust want the judge to hold Jupiter, Florida police and prosecutors in contempt of court, since they're the only ones with access to the videos.

But prosecutors have plenty of reasons to want it out there.

"One is Mr. Kraft was offered, probably in their eyes and estimation, a very good resolution to the case, which was a dismissal. That was declined so I'm sure that didn't please them,” says Camera. He says if this is actually the video it could end up working in Kraft's favor.

"At the very least, the defense is going to move for sanctions which in their case would be to have it excluded and if we don't have that video tape of allegedly Mr. Kraft engaging in any illegal or criminal behavior, then that certainly shifts the tides towards the defense,” says Camera.

But he thinks if Kraft wants to take this to trial he should've kept quiet.

"I’m not necessarily sure how you rectify going forward but yet apologizing or almost making this tacit admission by this apology,” he says.

A Jupiter Police spokesperson told the Associated Press he doubts the reports are true. He says the department has taken every precaution to secure the evidence.